through the last years
I have been working with different bands in oslo and Paris
encountered many excellents musicians
my meeting with Laura singer known as Lippie was awesome
she is special
and beautiful
she is also a very particular women
full of life and spirit
she has amazed me more then once with new compositions and songs
the last year after her meeting with the norvegian band DU ex det er jag som er døden!!
she has composed songs with these young norvegian musicians
they travelling to Paris and Nice
through excellent nettworking we managed to organise a little tournée
last year!!
Lippie met these boys on the streets of paris Belleville
and since then its been explosive.....
there will be a release party in february / 04/02/2010
check out there webside
and the song MODERN
LIPPIE features osn this song with her warm voice
this is very exciting to me
this represents for me
the french norvegian exchange
that i am working for
where musicians blend, fusion
they connect invite eachother
work together
sharing there knoweldge experience and "kunskap"
that they really do things together
residence in new towns work and also experience new environement
its go further one then just performing in a new town this is about
making art, living art....
this is the kind of meeting we dream about
and hope will happen more in the futur
listen to MODERN
check out these musicians
and there will to work together cross country and culture! myspace.com/dutheband
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